Nutritionally Nicole
Meet Nicole Ciuppa, MS, RDN
Thank you for taking the time to get to know your dietitian. Nicole holds a Masters of Science degree in Human Nutrition and is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. She received a certification in food allergy management from EatRight and merges her years of experience with multiple anaphylactic food allergies with the science of nutrition as a guided framework for all clients to achieve their wellness goals.
"Being raised in an Italian American home, I seamlessly was immersed in the world of food from a very young age. My family prepared food from scratch, enjoying spending time together in the kitchen bonding with one another. At the age of two, after frightful anaphylactic reactions, I was diagnosed with multiple anaphylactic food allergies and my entire view towards food was developed with this new autoimmune disease as the center. My family began to adapt cherished generational recipes to keep me safe without sacrificing their taste and flavor. I became a nutrition label reading expert, a confident self-advocate, and, in college, a curious nutrition student eager to learn. I have never consumed dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, and a plethora of other foods, yet, I thrive and am well-nourished with perfect lab work. It is possible to have optimal nutrition status while enjoying delicious foods with anaphylactic food allergies as well as other health conditions and, as a registered dietitian, I am excited to help others reach this joyous relationship with food."